Help Rosemary Farm Welcome NYC Carriage Horse Kevin! image

Help Rosemary Farm Welcome NYC Carriage Horse Kevin!

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Welcome NYC Carriage Horse Kevin!

Join Rosemary Farm as we welcome Kevin, a newly retired NYC carriage horse just arriving today to join our sanctuary.

Kevin, in NYC

Kevin is a horse with a long past that has only partly been revealed thus far. A tall standardbred, or possibly a draft cross, he was purchased at auction a few years ago by a carriage company, and brought to NYC to work, where he showed himself to be calm, sweet and trustworthy, a favorite of drivers and people on the street. But lameness issues dogged him, and an old wound indicated a painful past. He was given rest and vet care to help keep him sound, but ultimately needed retirement.

Last month the building where Kevin was boarded went on the market, it was the closing of a longtime historic stables on W. 48th Street (link to sale story). Owners reached out to the rescue community to seek homes for some of the retirees, and Rosemary Farm agreed to welcome Kevin, while some others went to another rescue. Today Kevin arrived at Rosemary Farm Sanctuary, his new country home. What a moment to walk off the trailer and find yourself in the country, with a nearby herd of fat happy horses nickering hello!

As with all intakes, Kevin will be fully vetted and we will get to know him, starting in a smaller private paddock to let him acclimate, near Molly's band. We have heard that retired carriage horses are wonderful companion horses, as they are gentle, easy to handle and "bomb-proof", so a companion home may be in Kevin's future, but first, health.

Kevin is the first NYC carriage horse to come to Rosemary Farm, and we are happy to help him. It is a kindness to get a horse in need before he ends up at auction or worse. We welcome donations to help Kevin with his initial vetting and care, and to fully enjoy his next chapter, 'being a retired horse'. Food for a day as a 'welcome gift' is much appreciated. We hope that RFNation enjoys watching his progress.

Our hearts are happy to welcome Kevin, we hope you share this feeling!


Kevin, arriving at Rosemary Farm, 1/4/2019

Kevin, in harness in NYC. We are grateful this was shared with us, and that his owner, manager and driver cared about him, and that they worked to get Kevin somewhere he deserves for retirement.