When you become a Monthly Donor you are making a difference for every horse at Rosemary Farm. Every. Single. Day.
How does it work?
You choose your donation level from $5 to $500 - every amount makes a difference. Monthly Donors are special members of Rosemary Farm because your gifts are continuous and steady. This makes it easier for us to say 'yes' when a horse is in need.
How is my donation used?
Monthly Donor contributions go into our general operating fund which is used to cover the daily costs of caring for the horses and running the Sanctuary. This includes food, medications, dental care, hoof care, supplies and more.
When do I receive my calendar?
Calendars are mailed out to active monthly donors at the end of November, to arrive in December.
When are Donor Days?
Our exclusive invitaion only donor events take place throughout the year. Monthly donors receive an email invitation where you can sign up to attend.
What if I need to cancel my donation in the future?
We understand circumstances can change. You can set an end date when you sign up or you can leave it open-ended and send us a note if you need to cancel in the future.
Not ready to commit to a monthly donation?
Make a one-time donation to support our work.
Want to support a one specific horse each month?
Sign up to Sponsor a Horse instead!